
Transit System Planning and Design
Transportation planning examines the current state of transportation and designs for future transportation needs. It helps shape community growth by evaluating all potential modes of transportation. Good planning and design can influence economic prosperity, accessible recreation, and improve quality of life.

Virginia Street Bus Rapid Transit Extension
Reno, Nevada
The Virginia Street Bus Rapid Transit BRT) project sought to implement a “Bus Only” lane, new BRT stations, two new roundabouts, multimodal upgrades, and ADA-compliant features along Virginia Street from I-80 to 15th Street. CA Group analyzed the existing conditions to provide alternatives and the final roadway design. CA Group worked closely with a Community Working Group, a Technical Advisory Committee, and the general public to ensure the new features along the corridor to support the community’s vision.
Las Vegas Monorail Extension
Las Vegas, Nevada
CA Group is assisting the Las Vegas Monorail Company with the planning, permitting, alternatives analysis, and preferred alternative design for the Las Vegas Monorail Extension. This project would extend from the MGM Grand across to the Tropicana Avenue Koval Lane intersection, south on Koval Lane, west on Reno Avenue, south on MGM property along Giles Street, and then across Las Vegas Boulevard to Mandalay Place. CA Group prepared the alignment design, roadway and median island reconfiguration, utility coordination and relocation, traffic signal modification design, and cost estimation for the monorail extension.

Flamingo Road Corridor BRT Enhancements
Clark County, Nevada
The Flamingo Road Corridor Bus Rapid Transit Enhancements sought to enhance transit service along 14 miles of Flamingo Road, between Grand Canyon Drive and Jimmy Durante Boulevard, within Clark County, Nevada. CA Group designed dedicated transit lanes, multimodal components, ADA enhancements; and protected and relocated utility infrastructure.
Maryland Parkway BRT
Las Vegas, Nevada
CA Group is assisting GCW with designing the Maryland Parkway Bus Rapid Transit Project, which seeks to replace the existing local Route 109 bus service with an enhanced transit route system along Maryland Parkway from McCarran International Airport to Downtown Las Vegas. This project aims to provide speed and service quality improvements to enhance the viability of transit as a transportation choice.