
Route Optimization
Route optimization is the process of finding the best and most cost-effective route. Considerations for route optimization include safety, cost efficiency, and traffic.

QUANTM Alignment System
Feasibility Planning and Construction Alignment
Quantm supports road and rail planners and engineers through the complex process of selecting and generating 3D corridors and alignments. Its unique technology generates millions of alternative alignments and returns up to 50 of the most cost-efficient options for review, thereby reducing project planning time, substantially lowering alignment construction cost, and delivering improved alignments that meet environmental, heritage, urban constraints, and design standards set by each project.
CA Group is a leader in the use of the Quantm. Our engineers and planners have used the system to optimize alignments for over $12.7 billion (U.S. dollars) in construction value projects.
Pyramid Highway US 395 Connection EIS
Washoe County, Nevada
The EIS sought to widen Pyramid Highway to a six-lane freeway between the new US 395 Connection and Calle de la Plata and construct the US 395 Connection as a six-lane freeway from US 395 to Sparks Boulevard.
CA Group utilized the Quantm Alignment System to assist in developing feasible alternatives, evaluating environmental feasibility and compliance; operational, maintenance, and safety considerations; public acceptance; right-of-way impacts; traffic operations; accessibility; and design and constructability.

Boulder City Bypass
Phase 2
Boulder City, Nevada
CA Group provided final design services for the Boulder City Bypass project. Included was design and construction of a four-lane access-controlled freeway with a new interchange at US 95 and a reconfigured interchange at the US 93/SR 172 Hoover Dam Exit. CA Group used Trimble’s Quantm to evaluate numerous alignments and determine the best alternative.
SR 361 Alignment Study
Luning, Nevada to Middlegate, Nevada
State Route 361 (SR 361) is located in central Nevada, providing a north-south connection from US 95 near Luning, Nevada, to US 50 at Middlegate, Nevada. This study provides an initial assessment and evaluation to identify a realignment corridor that can be utilized for future environmental clearances and provide flexibility for an optimized, engineered alignment(s) to be presented for proposed future build actions.