
Public Outreach
Public outreach is a significant component of many transportation projects. Public outreach entails efforts to bring information to or receive feedback from the general public and/or stakeholders directly impacted by a project.

SR 160 & SR 159
Corridor Study
Southern Nevada, Nevada
The SR 160 and SR 159 Corridor study evaluated and provided recommendations for segments of SR 160 and SR 159. The portion of SR 160 was from Las Vegas Boulevard (in Las Vegas, Nevada) to Roadrunner Road (in Pahrump, Nevada). The portion of SR 159 included SR 159 from CC-215 to SR 160 in Las Vegas, Nevada. As part of the study, CA Group conducted significant public outreach, including developing a project website, hosting eight in-person public information meetings, and gathering public comments and survey responses. The information gathered through public outreach efforts was used to support the identification of future vehicular and active transportation needs. Our recommendations included roadway widening, roundabout installation, shared-use path development, and intersection improvements.
SR 169 Shoulder Widening and Truck Climbing Lane
Clark County, Nevada
SR 169 is a two-lane rural major collector, also known as Moapa Valley Boulevard, that begins near the Lake Mead National Recreation Area boundary south of Overton and continues to the Interstate 15 (I-15) Logandale Interchange. This project seeks to enhance safety, drainage, and roadway operations along SR 169 from Canal Avenue to I-15. CA Group assisted NDOT with planning and hosting a pre-construction public information meeting for the project. The public meeting served as an opportunity for residents to meet the NDOT project team, view construction information, and ask questions.

I-15 Tropicana Environmental Assessment
Clark County, Nevada
The I-15 Tropicana interchange is a critical Las Vegas, Nevada, access point. The I-15 Tropicana Interchange project sought to resolve traffic capacity challenges. In addition to environmental and engineering services, CA Group conducted public outreach services. These services included planning the Intent to Study public information meeting and Public Hearing as required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Additionally, we facilitated coordination with numerous property owners adjacent to the corridor.
Henderson Interchange
Henderson, Nevada
Improvements to the Henderson Interchange are needed to accommodate increased traffic demands along I-11, I-515, and I-215. The project limits are from Galleria Drive and Horizon Drive on I-515 and I-11, and Van Wagenen Street and Valle Verde Drive on Lake Mead Parkway and I-215. CA Group prepared the Environmental Assessment (EA) as required by NEPA. Extensive stakeholder outreach was conducted throughout the project development process. CA Group provided public outreach services in support of the NEPA process for the Intent to Study public information meeting and the Public Hearing.