
Highway Design
Highway engineering involves the planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of roads, bridges, and tunnels to ensure safe and effective transportation of people and goods.

I-515 and Charleston Interchange
Las Vegas, Nevada
The I-515 Charleston Interchange project is located on I-515 between Charleston Boulevard and Eastern Avenue. CA Group has been involved with this project since its inception, providing insight into the components necessary for a successful design. Construction included roadway and ramp widening, reconstruction of roadways and sidewalks, and the installation of traffic signals, signs, markings, lighting, and ITS. Structural design elements included retaining walls, sound walls, and widening of the bridge over Stewart Avenue. The project will reduce vehicular crashes, congestion, and travel delays.
SR 169 Shoulder Widening and Truck Climbing Lane
Southern Nevada, Nevada
CA Group provided accelerated design services for the final design of SR 169 from Canal Avenue in Logandale to I-15. The project scope included environmental services, slope flattening, shoulder widening, and the design of a one-mile truck climbing lane. The expedited project provided a complete final design within nine months.

Henderson Interchange
Henderson, Nevada
The Henderson Interchange needs to accommodate increased traffic demands along I-11, I-515, and I-215. CA Group designed alternatives to improve safety, freeway operations, and regional mobility. As part of the alternative development process, CA Group provided a realistic cost estimate for the alternatives so the project could be programmed in the fiscally constrained Southern Nevada Transportation Improvement Program.
I-11 Boulder City Bypass
Phase 2
Boulder City, Nevada
CA Group was the lead designer for the I-11 Boulder City Bypass project. The project designed 12 miles of roadway through the native desert and mountainous terrain for I-11 between US 95 and US 93 near Boulder City, Nevada. Design components included a new controlled access freeway, interchanges, 11 bridges, drainage structures, signing, pavement marking, and ITS. The project was awarded APWA’s 2019 National Project of the Year for transportation projects over 75 million dollars.

I-15 Flamingo to Sahara Feasibility Study
Las Vegas, Nevada
The I-15 Flamingo to Sahara Feasibility Study evaluated I-15 between Sahara Avenue and Flamingo Road. The study identified improvements to serve the corridor's needs while maintaining compatibility with previously approved or completed projects. CA Group designed preliminary alternatives including 10% level plans showing alternatives for congestion relief at segments of the freeway and the project interchanges. Socioeconomic, community, and environmental impacts were considered in developing potential build alternatives.
Nellis Boulevard 3R,
Tropicana Avenue to Craig Road
Clark County, Nevada
This Nellis Boulevard project included rehabilitating and restoring Nellis Boulevard from Tropicana Avenue to Craig Road in Clark County, Nevada. This work included pavement rehabilitation, PROWAG/ADA upgrades, signal modifications, drainage improvements, access management upgrades, and ITS improvements. CA Group led the preliminary design field survey and road safety audits before leading the preliminary and final design efforts.